Stop mind reading God.
Ask what you should do, and how.
He’ll tell you. Then, do.
Tag Archives: working through issues
Think Of The Creativity! ImproVerse Haiku
would boom if I wrote thoughts, not
social media*,
Facebook and X posts
The Ethan Froome Of It: Haiku Lament
It’s the Ethan Fromme
of it all I never saw
coming, but who does?
Think Celestial Not Martha Work: IMprov Haiku
When we stop doing/
Martha work and focus on/
Celestial, we grow.
Being Private: Haiku
When you have to say
hurtful things, you should publish
them privately.
Doing What I Should, When: Haiku
What if, for a year,/
I did everything as soon/
as I was inspired?
If There’s Power In The Name Of Jesus, Why Are We Silent? — Haiku
If there’s power in/
the name of Jesus Christ why/
don’t we oft sing it?
She, Cheerleader, Cool: Rhyming Haiku of Gratitude
She, cheerleader, cool.
I, (nerd,) not. She: Kind to me.
I’ve never forgot.
Doing What You Should: Haiku
You’re not doing what/
you should be doing? How do/
you get back to it?
Cats Versus Songbirds Balance: Haiku
How many songbirds/
get sacrificed so we have
no vermin? Balance!
How many songbirds/
must die so we have no mice?
Feral cat balance.