I’m Responsible Memory

A half a century ago
my character yelled:
“I’m responsible!”
on stage.

I’m not certain that,
back then,
I knew what the phrase meant:
“I’m responsible!”

Now, decades past,
I understand that,
at my core,
I’m responsible.

It’s silly to blame
anyone else
for anything bad
in my life,
because it’s all good,
as long as
I think it is
and want it to be.

I’m responsilbe
for that.

I Didn’t Dare To Steal Your Dreams

You blame me,
for stealing your dreams.

“How Dare You!”
you shout,
face twisted, contorted
into emotion.

Sadly, no one told you,
no one guided you,
to know,
no one can steal your dreams.

Just you,
and only you,
can let your dreams,
slip away.

You can blame others
all you want,
as loud as you want,
but the truth is this:
You’ve lost your dreams?
That’s on you.

Just When I Thought I Wouldn’t Care

Just when I thought
I wouldn’t care,
folks who brought me here
can’t be left there.

There’s much I want
to go and do.
I imagine at one time
they did too.

But then I and you
came to be,
and they stayed and cared
for you and me.

Now it’s our turn to watch and tend;
As they did before, we’ll help to their end.

Individual Responsibility Environmentalism: Free Verse

I’m called tree hugger,

I call myself
those names, too.
But when I see
red-faced screamers
demanding that
governments and nations
make accords,
do something,
force compliance,
I back away.

Giving government
more power
is not where I’ll waste
my waste-fighting

Haven’t we learned
from Muir,
and others?

They DID,
and they wrote
about what they DID.
Movements started
with the power of
with the power
of words.

They introduced others
to the beauty
and wonder
and peace,
and joy
found in God’s Creations,
in Mother Nature.

They partnered
with God,
with Nature,
to help folks,
the common man and woman,
feel love for
and wonder at
all God’s creations.

Because how will I
partner with,
and protect
a creation
I’ve never experienced?

This was prompted by an essay on individual responsibility in environmentalism.

What I’m Willing To Do: Haiku Response

Backstory: A poetess, Mimi Allin, posted this question on Facebook (a question which, I think, all creative people face):

what are you willing to do
for peace
what are you willing to do
for love
what are you willing to do
for money
what are you willing to do
for art
In response, I wrote this haiku:
For peace, love, and art
I will do how I’m inspired.
For money? I’ll trust.

Connect To Earth Reground Rebound: Free Verse

I trod,
 to connect to Earth,
Feel her energy,
and be healed.
Then, Western medicine
Told me not to,
So I stopped.
My energy
And mind
And soul
And body
Got confused,
Out of synch,
Out of harmony.
I felt ill.
Now I’m back,
Feet firmly rooted again,
Feeling connected
and at peace.
When God
and Nature
and Mother Earth
speak to you,
Pay attention
And keep going.
Don’t you think
Father and Mother know best?