Selfishly Missing Opportunities: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Poem

God’s children./
Earth’s citizens./
When I focus on the me,/
I loose sight of the we,/
and miss the opportunity/
to uplift and exhalt/
the Divine We.

I was in church and learned what I wrote above, as well as this comment to a friend: “The Divine in us celebrates and supports and helps the Divine in others … and in everything.” And this comment: “We are all on the same team. We should all hope for success for each other. It’s not a win/loose world. It is a world where we can all help each other 2 win.”

For A Reader: Romantic Email Sonnet

Though she was fair of face,/
with a figure and body to match,/
she complained how oft it was the case/
that men use lust to bait and catch.

I shant trash her then/
with ordinary mail crudeness./
I’ll instead pick up my pen,/
and woo her with non-lewdness!

Instead of seducing her with a blunt tool,/
I’ll write words creative and sharp./
For it is only a oafish fool/
who woos with a hammer instead of a harp.

Because, as we’ve all been forewarned,
the pen is mightier than the sword!

If/Then Plans: Romantic ConTEXTing Poetry

Where 2 meet,/
what 2 do,/
IF plans with/
his daughter fall thru./
He thot he’d take a chance/
on finding romance/
at an early Halloween dance,/
or a bar’s karaoke, 2./

I Wish: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Poem

I wish I could talk 2U any time./
I wish U would talk 2 me any time./
I wish I had access 2 your mind, your heart, your soul./
I wish I knew what you think about.