Rather than regret
not doing sooner, rejoice
that we are here, now!
Tag Archives: working through issues
I Don’t Want: Haiku Lament
I don’t want to work.
I don’t want to play, either.
A vegging option?
What’s No Longer My Own: Rhyming Lament
My sacred home
is no longer my own.
I have no
I can’t even roam
without the silt
of guilt
covering my actions.
There’s no attraction
in what I used to
look forward to.
It’s not sin,
but I can’t rejoice in
Joy doesn’t ring.
Birds still sing,
but not for me.
The sun still shines,
but, blind,
not for me.
What brings me so low?
I think I know.
I’ve felt it before.
It’s mine to repair
or ignore,
or own
Different Life, Same End Result: Haiku Lament
My life’s playing out
so differently, but the end
result is the same.
Taken Off The Table Twice: Haiku
When it’s twice taken
off the table, and you’re the
constant, you’re the cause.
Dreams Never Expressed: Haiku
Dreams never expressed./
Thoughts never admitted to./
Hidden late night awe.
My Mother Taught Me: Haiku
My mother taught me: /
No malody is so small/
it can’t be prayed for.
I Fixed Our Bench Swing: Haiku Lament
I fixed our bench swing.
Now we can sit together
and look at our phones.
Social Media And Relationships Analysis And Statistics
Since analysis
Of social media started,
relationships interaction,
and viability
decrease by 73 percent
Goethe Do? Haiku
What did Goethe do,
alone, thinking? He had no