Were We Still Together: Romantic IMprov Sonnet

Were we still together
Going off to bed
I might lean over
And kiss your sleepy head

Or tenderly caress
Your soft bright cheek
And ease your stress
With gentle words that I speak.

We’re now miles apart,
Yet I still long to say
Sweet words and kind thoughts
To help close your day.

My feelings have grown since I went.
Why should a night away be different?

Merged In Dreams: Romantic IMprov Rhyming Poetry

She deep dreamed,
and in her sleep it seemed
she felt purged
of constant worry.

In no hurry
she merged,
felt divine
as she entwined
in her dream state
with her soul mate.

And when her morning alarm
ripped her from his arms,
she waited, and lay,
and started her day
wishing only
to hold onto feeling
what dreams were revealing.