Rage Rage: Haiku

Do not go quietly
into that mind-numbing night,
but rage rage!
against the blue light;

The social media
that draws us in,
and makes us have arguements
we can never win.

We loose friends
we thought were true,
and question all in us
we thought we knew.

Turn off your media! Stop the bleeding!
(Why aren’t you acting? You’re still reading!)

Morning Tense Bringing: Haiku Lament

When shouting and rage,
not birdsong, start your day, you’ll
feel tense ’til you change.

Backstory: This morning I got up early to enjoy the sunrise and the birdsong greeting the day. Suddenly, from another part of the house, I heard a video or news report. The audio was full of commentators shreaking and yelling. I felt myself tense up immediately, and even when the broadcast was shut off, I still felt tense and resentful the rest of the morning.