My inspired promise
languishes, unfulfilled, still.
I’ll start writing NOW.
My inspired promise
languishes, unfulfilled, still.
The greening of old/
oak trees is a sign not just/
of Spring, but of hope.
Think. Don’t be so quick/
to raise your hand to serve, cuz/
most really don’t care.
Writing a haiku/
on Kobayashi Maru/
is hard. Done. I won.
This is the New Year:
A time i can choose to act,
be, and feel diff’rent.
Alone, burning fire,
I clear, clean, and cleanse the past;/
Wish for future growth.
My garden may be
the most mixed up ever seen,
Buying seeds to plant/
isn’t the same as planting,
When you have at last /
planted all of your gifted
I learned a new word,
but it quickly disappeared.
It’s ephemeral.