My Christmas Gift: Give Peace Haiku

I must be always/
positive, and give peace on/
earth, good will to all.

— The backstory for this poem was my take on Longfellow’s poem “I heard the Bells”, and also a haiku inspired by a prose piece Kate Phillips wrote. You can read it here.

Longfellow Christmas Day Remake: Peace On Earth Poem and Video

I have few words
This Christmas Day.
There isn’t much
I want to say.
But I’ll pray more,
Knees on the floor,
For peace on Earth,
good will to all.
I thought now
That the rain has come,
To solve my gifting
I’d wish you near,
Those I hold dear,
And peace on Earth,
Good will to all!
I miss you all!
Know in my soul,
I wish to speak
So you will know
My deepest hope
For all my folks
Is peace on earth
Good will to all.
And if I fail
To talk to you,
Please still believe
My heart is true!
My fervent prayer
Gives love to share
With peace on Earth
Good will to all.
Though I may not
Take sorrow away,
Know this: I ask God
For you every day
To bring to you
Christ’s joy that’s true,
And peace on Earth,
Good will to all!
With gratitude for Longfellow,
And Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our salvation.
I Have No Words: Christmas Day Poem in the style of Longfellow’s “I Heard The Bells”.

The Writer’s Drive, Or Not: Blogging Free Verse

I’m certain there is
much to say,
deep thoughts to share,
intelligent insights to expose
and uncover.

Right now,
I don’t know what they are,
I don’t know where they are,
and I don’t know
if I want to even find them.

“I Know It’s Not Much, But … ” It IS! — rhyme

Backstory: On #HomeGrownNationalPark‘s Facebook page, someone posted a photo of sprouting acorns, and wrote: “I know it’s not much, but … “.
 Here’s my response:

I’m in several native plant groups, including Greater South-Eastern Native Seeds and Plant Exchange , and I always encourage people to NEVER apologize for their efforts. We’re all doing what we can, the best that we can. Think of it: 20 years ago or even less, hardly anybody but Doug (founder of Home Grown National Park) and my dad Gene L. Kuhns and a few eco-pioneers were doing anything, and now look at us! Changing the world, one acorn at a time.
People rise up in frustration,
scowling at the United Nations,
holding demonstrations.
But you don’t need to sound a horn.
YOU are sprouting acorns!
And that’s an example to the rest of us,
and is marvelous!