Rage Rage: Haiku

Do not go quietly
into that mind-numbing night,
but rage rage!
against the blue light;

The social media
that draws us in,
and makes us have arguements
we can never win.

We loose friends
we thought were true,
and question all in us
we thought we knew.

Turn off your media! Stop the bleeding!
(Why aren’t you acting? You’re still reading!)

Hurt, Not Joy Or Hope: Haiku Lament

It should be a time
of great joy* and excitement,
but instead I hurt.
 OR: *hope
UPDATE (Next Day)
As one of my family members famously said (Decades ago) : “There’s always hope.”
So hoffen wir.
Meanwhile, thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
As the possible/
result nears, we recall her:
“There is always hope.”

Social Media is the Convo-Thief Lament Haiku

We have deep talks when/
her device gives insights. Else,/
I’m left to myself.


I thought myself wise,
insightful, worth talking to.
I’m boring, replaced.


Were I wisked away,/
I would not be missed. She could/
still comment to friends.


Some fight unfaithful/
lovers. Others get replaced/
by technology.


If porn is wrong ‘cuz/
it subs for intimate love,/
what is device talk?

Disconnected: Free Verse Lament

Dark thoughts,
deep weeping,
well up in my soul.

The world seems disconnected
from me,
and I from her.

Why does the water-wading song
drill through
my bedroom door,
as if to mock me
and my lullaby memories?

I am abandoned
by all who I thought
loved me,
and who
I truly loved
and lived for.

My mistakes
have unraveled
all my life,
and I feel
no mercy,
no compassion,
no hope,
no love,
except for
the faith
and hope
I have
He loves me still.