When you get older/
you might ask: “Where’s Donovan’s/
Hurdy-Gurdy Man?”
(Here’s the song. I JUST learned Jimmy Page (Yardbirds, Led Zeppelin) played guitar on this!)
When you get older/
you might ask: “Where’s Donovan’s/
Hurdy-Gurdy Man?”
(Here’s the song. I JUST learned Jimmy Page (Yardbirds, Led Zeppelin) played guitar on this!)
On a lonely field,
my neighbor’s light reminds me
of peace and the why.
One single candle /
can wipe out darkness. Lifting/
His standard gives hope.
How do you compete/
in life’s game when Big Brother/
keeps changing the rules?
Deep meditation/
And a nap are vital parts/
of a good work day.
It doesn’t matter/
who’s in power. They all do/
good and bad. Seek good.
—Post-election, pre-inauguration wisdom from the Old Woman of the Woods
Though that black pill is/
hard and bitter to swallow, /
I must have more faith.
Your back may scream in /
agony, but poetry /
needs to be written.*
screams to be written.
Weeding out the bad/
that shouldn’t be there makes room/
for the good that should.
Eco-therapy is my
tool to help others.