Direct Mail Invitation: Revolutionary Email Prose

Before the invention of email, I used to write direct mail pieces. I got into a “banter” with another direct mail writer … and wrote “The Greatest Direct Mail Ever Written.” Unfortunately, my computer battery died before I could send it, and it was lost. SO, I wrote “The Greatest Direct Mail Ever Written: A Tribute”, but the storage of the site where I wrote it only held it for a few days, then erased it.
BUT, here is the rest of that conversation (as an example of a good direct mail piece)!

Sent Date: 9/9/2010 8:37:13 AM
From: Me
Subject: [Name], I’m frankly puzzled:
Yes, it’s true, [NAME]: Even though my name is [ME], I’m frankly confused. Why?
You SAY you want a great guy.
You CLAIM you want to find someone who is interesting, funny and a host of other things ….
and yet, you take no actions to forward the process.

And that’s what puzzles me.

[NAME], I can write these witty, clever emails all day long. You can laugh all day long. BUT …
unless you take action now, all you’ll end up with is a great memory and clever copy.

So I’m asking you directly: Do you have the confidence …
the ability …
the creativity …
the panache’ …
the DESIRE …
to take that next step?

If you do, I’m going to give you a SUPER-SECRET CODE to respond. Don’t pass it on to anyone else. It’s only yours, [NAME].
Are you ready?

[ my email]
[ at the jodelling email ]
[ dot com (also works for IMing) ]

That’s right, [NAME]! That’s [NAME]’s own secret passcode. (It’s also an intelligence test, so see if you can figure it out!)

Let’s see if you are ready to take it to the next step! But act TODAY! The clock is ticking!

Good luck!

PS: Sometimes the intelligence test is messed up by technology, so if you don’t “get it”, contact me right away! Either way… I’ll talk to you soon!
My A/B Test: Trying something late Sent Date: 9/15/2010 9:49:06 PM
Pretty simple test, really.
I know my last email *(complete with Johnson Box) was read.
I know my last email *(complete with PS) was read.
I know my last email *(complete with a compelling quiz/test) was not responded to.
Was it because I sent it in the morning?
I guess I’ll find out.
So here’s the “B” part — I’m sending this email in the morning. Will you respond? or should I write you at 1 a.m. to get a response?
PS: I appreciate that you are super-busy … as we all are. Who would want to get to know someone who wasn’t. BUT, [name] — when do you take time for [name]?
And, yes, I do mean what you might think it means: Time with Me IS time for [name].

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