Rose-Coloured Introduction: Romantic Email Poetry Series

[In response to an email]

Dancing with our eyes closed/
is better than dancing idol-y,/
for the visions viewed with those/
optics allow us to see/
what your life, Rose,/
can truly be./
Now that I’ve reached back,/
what will be your track and and tact?

She responded:
Moses supposes
that roses were for noses/
and he did suppose this erroneously./
For Roses love roses/
for Cyrano imposes/
his prose upon her so romantically./
If Rose would propose/
that a time for some prose/
would give her delight most joyously./
Cyrano would woo her/
with roses and proses/
to tell her his dreams in varying degree./
Then Rose she would dispose/
herself most attentively./
To listen and laugh/
To share unabashed she supposes/
an interesting meeting would be.

Ah, could this nose/
sniff such a tender Rose!/
Then we would both suppose/
that the path we chose/
kept us on our toes/
whilst waiting for the close/
of the non-prose/
was the correct one,/
and that would be fun.
(Your poem, by the way? Nicely done!)

Rose blushes and glows/
at the knowledge that her prose/
received accolades so readily.

She greatly enjoys/
the wit he deploys/
in her direction so elegantly.

With rhyme and with reason/
she finds that the season/
for seeking a mate is upon us you see.

The spring not belated/
could find us twitterpated/
if we were to meet ceremoniously.

With poems he charmed her/
completely disarmed her/
swept off her feet deliriously.

(Why thank you kind sir, it is the curse/blessing of many years of reading Dr. Seuss. Greatly enjoyed your response and felt that your missive should be equally met. Best response EVER!)
Merci beaucoup.

Thank you, dear Rose,
for your kind accolade.
Just this past summer
in the Fremont Parade,

I was Sam.
Sam I was!
I worked hard
there because

That Solstice Parade,
Whether in shade
or sunny,
required cops to get paid!

Yes, that funny
cost money!

What does that
have to do with you?
Nothin’ much,
save your wit beaucoup
should, agreed,
be equally met.

But now what?
A verbal pet
though we haven’t yet

And what does that get
either me
or you?
A rose wet?
Petals moistened with dew?
Merci beaucoup
What do you now need?

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