There are those moments /
when you beg to dance, and the/
whole world laughs at you.
Tag Archives:
Short Poem (HOORAY!) For Jessica: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Your life and light shine./
You’ve already started to/
change the world. Keep on!
Heart Problems: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
Arrhythmia: When/
you don’t want a girl who makes/
your heart skip a beat.
Happy Guy Doesn’t Change The World: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku Lament
When the happy guy/
gets sick, he discovers that/
the world keeps spinning.
the world keeps turning.
What Makes Me Leave: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
The more folks tell me/
I shouldn’t be some way, the/
more I want to leave.
Going Back Not Enough: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
If you missed going/
but then go more than planned, does/
that make up for it?
Sonnet Smiling: Romantic IMprov Sonnet
She reeled him in/
with her smile,/
as though made just for him:/
Beautiful, without guile.
She then (sadly) made him wait
as she nodded sleepily.
He could only anticipate
and try not to do so creepily.
Her smile and her profile
made him seek more.
He’d wait awhile;
what was he looking for?
But then she announced he could not be her mate.
His dreams she trounced: “Like Cinderella, it’s too late!”