At 1:26/
a.m., 33 years past,
Itty-Bitty came.
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I Wish My Kids: Revolutionary IMprov Napkin Free Verse Poem
I wish my kids/
could write/
and speak/
about shit,/
and their bodies,/
drop the F-bomb/
into a mic;/
pour their hearts out/
like water on the fire/
of their pain,/
the way you,
brave young souls,
shaking at the mic,
shaking your torments out,
so we,
your friends,
can hear,
and crush
your Angst
under our wandering feet.
I wish my kids
could write and
speak and
about shit,
so they wouldn’t feel
like crap.
Wisconsin Is Good Medicine: Revolutionary Napkin Haiku
My mother started/
to shrink at Stonehenge, but then/
moved to Wisconsin.
“Are You A Lover?” Romantic Napkin Haiku
“Are you a lover?”/
Her question caught me off guard./
Will she make me one?
Maintaining Innocence: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Lips which kiss in love/
tender, not passionate lust,/
are yet innocent.
Dread Pilot Roberts: Romantic Email Haiku
He stood on her bridge/
where no man had gone before./
“As you wish”. “Engage.”
Engage as you wish.
We Both Are: Romantic Email Rhyming Haiku
She claims she likes her/
differentness, what raises/
her above the rest.
She claims she likes her/
uniqueness, that which raises/
her above the rest.
Unexpected Kind Words: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Kind words falling from/
pure and innocent lips must/
just bring happiness.
Muses In Handcuffs: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Why do we put/
restrictions on the Muses?/
We should open up.
always let them in
Why handcuff Muses?/
Let’s always invite them in,/
where and whenever!
Slide It To The Left, Yeah: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
In honor of my/
child and her mom, I let the/
Harlem Shuffle play.
In honor of my/
daughter, I didn’t turn off/
the Harlem Shuffle.