Remember when I’d/
stand here, weep and moan about/
my dates. I won’t now!
Tag Archives:
Remember When Napkin Poems? Revolutionary Napkin Haiku
Hey! Remember when/
I used to write napkin poems?
They won’t go away!
Just Keep Doing: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku
When God tells you how/
to Light the World, He may have
you use the same lamp.
#LightTheWorldNow #BuildHisKingdom
Good Intentions With Silence: Revolutionary Email Haiku
T’was my intention/
to write another poem. I’m/
not sure what to say.
What Should I Do? Ask God! Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I pray and ask God/
“What should I do?” The answer/
is always just “Love.”
#LightTheWorldNow #BuildTheKingdom
Ancient Of Days Result: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Torn tendons. Torqued back./
Bruised wrist. Blisters. Bad eyes. Scouts,/
yard work, or marriage?
Why Not Go Outside? Revolutionary Blogging Haiku Lament
I confuse myself./
It’s a warm, pleasant day, yet/
I’ve stayed inside. Why?
I Wasn’t Born In Dixie, But … : Revolutionary Blogging Haiku
Jes cuz I warn’t born/
down South in Dixie, don’t mean/
I can’t still love her.