As long as it’s there,/
does it matter who puts the/
fire in your belly?
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On NOT Being A Hopeless Romantic: Romantic Email Sonnet
One should never be
in that hopeless romantic hypocrisy.
For, if there is no hope in store,
then what is romance even for?
Those who are hopeless in romance
are folks who won’t even try to dance.
They’ll just lean back ‘gainst the wall
and watch everyone else have a ball.
But, as for me and my romantic heart,
I’m a hopeFUL romantic. That’s where I start.
I believe that something incredible can be.
I’m hopeful that’s where love will take me.
Being a romantic means believe! Take the chance!
Have hope FOR that life-altering, romantic dance.
Feeling Groovy: Romantic IMprov Rhyming Haiku
Since she truly likes/
me, then that must mean I am/
all sorts of groovy.
It doesn’t matter/
if she likes me. I am still/
all sorts of groovy.
Naturally she digs/
me. How couldn’t she? I am/
all sorts of groovy!
What He Didn’t Know: Romantic IMprov Haiku
She’d never told him/
of her feelings each time he/
entered her life. “WORD(s)!”
Merged In Dreams: Romantic IMprov Rhyming Poetry
She deep dreamed,
and in her sleep it seemed
she felt purged
of constant worry.
In no hurry
she merged,
felt divine
as she entwined
in her dream state
with her soul mate.
And when her morning alarm
ripped her from his arms,
she waited, and lay,
and started her day
wishing only
to hold onto feeling
what dreams were revealing.