Though the fire you feel/
from my desire should keep you/
warm, wear a jacket.
Tag Archives:
Flattering Haiku: Romantic Rhyming IMprove Haiku
Will a haiku which /
flatters allow me to get/
to know you better?
Will a haiku which /
flatters you let me fin’lly/
get to know you well?
When She Doesn’t Answer: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
I tried to call. No/
answer, so I went dancing/
by myself instead.
Paying Too Much Attention: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
Why do they say it’s/
dangerous for guys to act /
too interested?
Memories At A Dance: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
I couldn’t recall,/
but she remembered. I was/
her first kitchen dance.
Leaving You Alone: Romantic ConTEXTing Haiku
A guy who leaves you/
alone waiting for him should/
be replaced quickly.
Breaking A Cycle: Romantic Improv Blogging Haiku
For a cycle to be/
broken, sometimes you’re required/
to climb off and wait.
Why Go Topless? Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
When I became the/
I-15 topless dancer,/
I made people smile.
By becoming the/
I-15 topless dancer,/
I make people smile!
Busstop Coincidences: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
sometimes happen at bus stops/
hearing buses stop.