She said: “Always look/
forward. Never look back.” Which/
left me* with nothing.
Left no memories.
Tag Archives:
Me As Creep: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
I have become the/
creep, destroyer of not yet/
born relationships.
Have I become the/
creep, destroyer of not yet/
born relationships?
Why Do I Always Do This: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
She joined the long line/
of unfilled expectations/
and misguided thoughts.
Pay Attention! Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
we beg for may occur when/
we are not looking.
She’s Keeping Me Awake: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
I love the Muse who/
runs rampant through my brain, but/
she should let me sleep!
I love you, Muse, who’s/
running rampant through my brain,/
but Please! Let me sleep!
Changing Your Perspective: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
What if I do look/
like your ex but can change your/
perspective of life*?
What if I do look/
like your ex but can change your/
perspective of love*?
Speaking Sweet Soliloquy: Romantic IMprov Rhyming Haiku
I wouldst call thee and/
Speak sweet soliloquy if/
Thou wouldst but let me!
(An iambic haiku
just for you!)
Looking Out: Romantic IMprov Haiku
She gazed through blue* eyes, /
seeking her future. He reached/
out for her next week.