God knows me Better /
than I know myself. I just/
need to learn of me.
Tag Archives: working through issues
Sacred Lips: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
Just because he’s not/
kissing her doesn’t mean he’ll/
smooch anyone else.
It Could Be Worse: Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse Poem Lament
of my
When your mother
keeps the car trunk light
for 2 days,
that’s what happens.
And what Chrysler engineer
had the idiot idea
to put the battery
in the driver’s-side
wheel well,
behind a splash guard,
with no easily-accessible
I was furious.
45 minutes
and 2 screws out,
6 to go,
I was worse.
I walked home.
I was cold.
I was angry.
Then I met the guy
who was a few blocks away
from getting on the freeway.
He stopped at a stop sign,
and his axle on his old van
and his front wheel
fell off.
And he was grateful.
“It could have been
so much worse.
I was blessed.”
He was right.
And now I’m grateful
and blessed.
Worried About Thanksgiving: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku Lament
The worst feeling in/
the world: Have diarrhea/
on Thanksgiving Eve.
Swerving Holiday Spirit: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
When your holiday/
spirit start to swerve, just sing,/
remember, and serve.
Dress Shouldn’t Matter: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
In blue jeans, sneakers,/
and open-collared shirt, I/
renew covenants.
Alms And Palms: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
I’m in her palm tree/
land, while she’s away, alming,/
handle in her hand.
Adopt, Adapt, And Learn: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Whether you create/
or innovate, sometimes you/
can adapt and learn.
Whether you create/
or innovate, always try/
to adapt and learn.