When your holiday/
spirit start to swerve, just sing,/
remember, and serve.
Tag Archives: working through issues
Dress Shouldn’t Matter: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
In blue jeans, sneakers,/
and open-collared shirt, I/
renew covenants.
Alms And Palms: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
I’m in her palm tree/
land, while she’s away, alming,/
handle in her hand.
Adopt, Adapt, And Learn: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Whether you create/
or innovate, sometimes you/
can adapt and learn.
Whether you create/
or innovate, always try/
to adapt and learn.
Count Your Blessings: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Parents who complain/
about their kids bugging them/
aren’t empty nesters.
A Simple Answer: Romantic Email Haiku
She doesn’t have to/
decide anything to go/
to dinner. Will she?
The Purpose Of Life, Mio: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
As I walk through art,/
I ask myself: “What the hell/
am I doing? Write!”
Fruity Haiku To An Old Crustacean: Revolutionary Blogging Rhyming Haiku
I make her fruit crisp./
She wants lobster bisque. I’m sweet./
She is just crabby.