Why do we always/
look for why not instead of/
searching for the whys?
Tag Archives: working through issues
Does She Know? Romantic Blogging Haiku
I wonder if she/
even knows how much she fuels/
I wonder if she/
even knows how much she fuels/
creative juices.
Temple Work Goes Both Ways (or) Ministering Angels Minister To Earth Angels: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
They minister to/
us, because we minister/
to them: A fair trade.
Not Alone: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
If everyone is/
singing and writing about/
pain, you’re not alone.
Two songs that inspired this poem:
David Bowie’s Rock n Roll Suicide
REM’s Everybody Hurts
Dad’s Text Requesting Angels: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Her wise father said/
nothing about heavenly/
angels. Earth’s hosts came.