I would never say/
“sorry” when change opens new/
Tag Archives: working through issues
In Solitude, Maturing: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
When I was younger,/
I thought being alone was/
bad, but I’ve grown up.
Everything IS About Me: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Making everything/
about us is how we/
relate to all things.
He Is Too Old To Rock And Roll: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I need ten people/
to like my car dancing to/
make up for one jerk.
So Not Impersonal: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
She pauses, listens,/
eyes closed, feels breezes play. That’s/
deeply personal.
When The Messenger Gets The Greater Gift: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Free Verse Poem
God knew
what He was doing
when He called me
to be a messenger
of His and her love.
Old, not forgotten father
got sweet gifts of kosher
home-canned plums in apple juice.
And candy.
He knows she loves him.
But how often can a guy who loves
Ella’s scatting,
the Duke,
the Dizz,
who gets Misty to Sarah Vaughn,
who channels Satchmo,
get to talk to a Mensch
who hung out with them in Philly,
when he was the only white guy in the club
where they played
for the love of that music?
That sound?
To touch the past like that,
to hear those notes
through his vocal telling,
through that time machine,
I got the greater gift.
Just like He knew I would.
Handling The Truth: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku
If you don’t want me/
to tell you the Truth, don’t ask./
You can’t handle it.
I Wish My Kids: Revolutionary IMprov Napkin Free Verse Poem
I wish my kids/
could write/
and speak/
about shit,/
and their bodies,/
drop the F-bomb/
into a mic;/
pour their hearts out/
like water on the fire/
of their pain,/
the way you,
brave young souls,
shaking at the mic,
shaking your torments out,
so we,
your friends,
can hear,
and crush
your Angst
under our wandering feet.
I wish my kids
could write and
speak and
about shit,
so they wouldn’t feel
like crap.
Wisconsin Is Good Medicine: Revolutionary Napkin Haiku
My mother started/
to shrink at Stonehenge, but then/
moved to Wisconsin.