I wake up thinking
of past chances, mistakes, joys,
glad for few regrets.
Tag Archives: working through issues
Being Clean And Faithful: Haiku
I must clean, be clean,/
and have faith. Why are two so/
easy, and one not?
Nature’s Multiplier Effect: Prose
Today, I posted a prose piece about wildflowers, grounding/earthing, negative ions,
and their impact on our bodies, minds, souls. Yes, these can all improve our health. But what if Nature adds on to the impact of everything God gives us? What if there is a multiplier effect?
I think it’s an interesting hypothesis. Anyone want to prove it?

When Small Mem’ries Return: Grateful Haiku
Small moments from our
past may return. Mem’ries give
peace, comfort and joy.
Walt Whitman Ted Lasso Be Curious Hope: Haiku
In a month, after
decades, we’ll again meet. I
hope we’re curious.
Hurt, Not Joy Or Hope: Haiku Lament
Taking Care Of Others Warning Haiku
When taking care of
others means you don’t take care /
of yourself, please change.
Electricity Surrounds Me: No Negative Ions
surrounds me daily. I’ll find
She’s Learning, I’m Lonely: Haiku Lament
She’s learning. That’s good
for her. I’m left out and so
lonely. Bad for us.
Why I’m Here Or Not: Haiku Lament
There are thousands of/
books and podcasts to hear, but/
that’s not why I’M here.