It’s never as good as you/
honoring your word.
Tag Archives: working through issues
Break Some Gears: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
Your mind machin’ry/
runs no matter how you think./
Take time to break gears.
Removing Barriers: Romantic Email Rhyming Haiku
Barriers ahead?/
Figure possibilities,/
then do those, instead!
Barriers ahead?/
Imagine the possibile,/
then do that, instead.
Don’t Expose Yourself: Revolutionary Haiku Lament
Don’t expose yourself./
Open your butterfly heart:/
They’ll rip off your wings.
What We Remember: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku
Strange how memory/
is stronger around heartache./
Remember joy, too.
Avoiding You, Avoiding Flames: Romantic ConTEXTing Haiku
Maybe I avoid/
you the way that a moth should /
stay away from flames.
Conjecturing What It’s About: Revolutionary Poem
Conjecturing what something’s about
won’t tell you what it’s about
until it comes about.
And once you find out
what it’s about
give me a shout
and we can talk it out
(’cause you’ll know what it’s about
a doubt).
Jealousy And Guilt Denied: Romantic IMprov Iambic Poem
Feeling guilt
is not a passion,
nor is it in fashion
to feel jealousy
toward or about me.
None of those feelings
come from my revealing
my nearly out-of-control
yearnings of heart and soul.
Instead, you should be
swept away by a tsunami
of tenderness
brought by words’ caress.
When one you hold dear
holds you near,
there should be no resistance
simply because of distance.
Nor uncertainty or doubt
because we’re not immediately about.
But because our souls collide,
we can decide
to relish what’s inside.
Providing Goo: Romantic IMprov Rhyming Haiku
What can-should I do/
to undo the guilty you/
and provide hot goo?