It’s sad when you know/
this is finito and she/
talks with some new guy.
Tag Archives: working through issues
Finding Your Poet’s Soul: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Everyone has the/
soul of a poet. Just look/
for and accept it.
Becoming Even More Awesomer: Revolutionary IMprov Free Verse
I believe I am growing
in my awesomeness.
I know what things I must do
to become even more awesomer.
So why, then, do I stand
in fear and awe
at the simple things
that lay,
like cowering dogs,
at my feet?
Simple phone calls,
forms to write,
files to submit,
questions to ask.
Why do I fear,
and have the simple
make my life
more painful
and complex,
and let those
stumbling blocks
take away
for Awesomeness,
instead of letting me
leap over them
and be out, standing
in my awesomeness?
Getting On With Life: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Why do I seem good/
at “getting on with life”? I /
don’t know I have to.
What’s Inside My Brain: Revolutionary Blogging Free Verse Poetic Thought Stream
People exclaim:
“It must
be tough
to live inside
that head of yours
with everything
that goes on there!”
The insecurities.
The confusion.
The misunderstanding.
The doubt.
The intensity.
The pain.
The mistrust.
The loneliness.
That might be true.
Sometimes it is tough.
Sometimes I make mistakes.
SOmetimes I use faulty logic.
Frequently, I don’t think things
or rationally.
from how I’ve seen others live,
and from what I’ve seen in the world,
with all my brain’s
and confusion,
and pain
and insecurities,
I like that gray matter
that makes things matter.
It lets me feel things
others don’t
or won’t.
It lets me experience
the noisy violence of rock
and the silence of rocks
and comprehend
and write about
My brain
connects to my heart
and my soul
to let me observe
and hear
and comprehend,
and reveal,
and explain,
when others just say
“What?” or
“Where?!?” or
“Huh?” or
And sometimes
my quirky,
Carpe Diem
just lets
just be.
The Rise And Fall Of Carpe Diem Man: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku Lament
As soon as I named*/
myself Carpe Diem Man,/
I stopped being him.
I stopped day seizing.
*The person who named me “Carpe Diem Man” reminded me that they’d bestowed that name on me, so technically this should be “called”, as in “As soon as I called…”