Sometimes you just need/
to get out to discover/
you need to get out.
Tag Archives: working through issues
My Words Grow From Your Silence: Romantic ImproVerse Free Verse Lament
I can’t call you,/
text you,/
or write you,/
so I compose/
of poems/
about you./
That has to/
when I don’t hear/
from you.
My Hyperactive Brain: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
My brain’s gone into /
hyperdrive mode. I can’t stop/
thinking about *you.
Another Fork In The Road: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
I once stood at a/
fork in the road and You asked:/
“Y?”. Now it’s my turn.
Every Pretty Girl Deserves To Go To A Ball: Romantic ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku Lament
She won’t call, so I/
can’t invite her to the ball/
I was going to.
Laughing Through The Pain: Improv Blogging Haiku
Don’t think me silly/
or not caring. Sometimes I/
must laugh through the pain.
Avoiding Pain: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku
How can I stay glad/
and positive when my girl/
hurts with such deep pain?
Yesterday Once More Tomorrow: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
For my daughter I/
wish it was “Yesterday Once/
More”, and tomorrow.
Other Comfortably Numb: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
“Comfortably Numb” is/
not just drug- or booze-induced./
Starving feels that way.