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bubble isn’t as easy/
as I thought it’d be.
Tag Archives: working through issues
Reasons To End Things: Revolutionary Emailing Haiku
Of all the reasons/
made for ending things, trusting/
your feelings is best.
What Happened? Romantic Email Quatrain Lament
There she was,/
and then she was gone./
“Why?” I asked. Said she:/
“You’re too much fun.”
Thought Destroyer: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
There is always one/
who can take a beautiful/
thought and destroy it.
Regretting Your Life: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
If you live your life/
full of regrets, you’ll, sadly,/
live To regret it.
full of regrets, you will live/
to regret regrets.
Needing Cheerleaders: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
In our lives, we all/
need cheerleaders. But *how oft/
do we cheer others?
… need cheerleaders.*How often/
Who Is Giving Up? : Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
When I hear that folks/
have given up on her I/
ask: ” Lord, is it I?”