It is such a strange/
role reversal: she’s wanting /
the game more than me.
Tag Archives: working through issues
A Request Rejected: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
When I give her what/
she asks for, and she turns it/
down, I’ll stop trying.
Rejecting What You Asked For: Romantic ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
When you ask for it,/
I will deliver more. But/
reject it, I quit.
Change Of Plans: Romantic IMproVerse Haiku Lament
A day* to be filled/
with joyful companionship/
is lonely instead .
We’re Not Perfect, But: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
A friend said she was concerned that, although she wanted to do good, she was not, and would never be, “good enough”. (See the previous poem: “Making up the Difference”.) I responded that none of us are “good enough”, but …
With Jesus’s help,/
we can all be good enough/
and rise to glory.
… rise to greatness.
Even If I’m A Troll: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
I want someone who/
wants to be with me so bad/
that she can taste it.
I’m Repenting: Revolutionary IMproVerse Haiku
When you stand and preach,/
doesn’t the mem’ry of what/
we did call you out?
When she teaches, why/
doesn’t the memory of what/
we did trigger guilt?
Gift Trips: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku Lament
I must stop going/
on trips where I bring back gifts/
that I’ll never give.