The ditzy blonde went/
way deep and saw a meaning/
beyond my vision.
“Even in the midst.
of spirituality,/
the world still exists.”
Tag Archives: working through issues
Why I Don't Lie Any More: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
As a master of/
deception, I can see it/
and know: Lying’s bad.
… I can see lies. /
They’re bad. Thus, I stopped.
Here I Go Again: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku
I again stand on/
the verge of being told I’m/
not appropriate.
The Writer's Job: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
We are world changers,/
perspective rearrangers,/
helping others see.
I Can't See, I Can't Write: Revolutinoary ImproVerse Haiku
When your vision is/
cloudy, does inspiration/
get shut down as well?
Obviously Not Enough: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
She wonders why she’s/
“Not enough”. Maybe it’s ’cause/
She is still married.
Which Way Should I Turn? Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
Happy, she leaned in/
to give me a kiss. Which way/
should I turn my head?
Now Waiting For Her Change: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
I finally did what/
she asked. It’s her turn to make/
me wait as she’ll change.
Seeing Their Own Beauty: Revolutionary IMprov Rhyming Haiku
Some are blessed to know/
they are in/out beautiful./
Others can’t see it.
Perspective: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
My stylist screamed “NOOOOOOOO!!”/
at my no-glasses photo./
She saw my buzz cut.