Life IS sometimes tough./
But nuke your escape plan and/
make one to live by.
Tag Archives: working through issues
I’m Sorry That You’re Sorry. STOP! Revolutionary Napkin Free Verse
I’m sorry
that this is old.
I’m sorry
that I just wrote this.
I’m sorry
I didn’t have the time.
I’m sorry
that I’m old.
I’m sorry
that it’s new.
I’m sorry
that I’m young.
I’m sorry.
I’m sorry.
I’m sorry
that I’m sorry.
Don’t apologize!
For what?
You are standing,
spilling your guts,
speaking for yourself,
sharing your mind,
telling truth.
Don’t give away
your power.
be sorry.
I’m not.
We’re not.
Because you’re not
You are
Grades + Job = Not Who We Are: Revolutionary Napkin Haiku
(Stand on a chair and yell)
You are not your grades!/
I am not my job. I am/
he who you set free.
Perspective: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
My motor blew up./
I’m upset. Then I recall:/
She lost her husband.
An Engine Broken, A Letter Written: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I got new burdens,/
but have removed the large sword/
which hung over me.
Returning To Him: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
If you leave Him due/
to sin and not doctrine, the/
return’s easier.
He Prayed At The Church Potluck: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
He prayed at the church/
potluck for the Apostles/
and Prophet. He’ll stay.
At the church potluck,/
he prayed for the Prophet and/
Apostles. He’ll stay.
He’s good.
Avoiding Apostasy: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
If I’m praying for/
His Prophet and Apostles,/
I won’t ever leave.
Why Are You Leaving? Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I don’t understand/
how you can leave. Either you/
got answers … or not.
I don’t understand/
how you can leave. Did you get/
an answer, or not?
Lost Word: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I’ve somehow misplaced/
my large print Scriptures. Without/
them I’m truly lost.
I’m lost and blind.