When we feel God’s Grace
and Spirit, let’s marinate
in it a minute.
Tag Archives: working through issues
Move Past Your Pre-Miracle Phase: Haiku
When folks keep you down/
in your pre-miracle phase,/
look to God and live.
Winter Solstice Return Bonfire: Haiku
We were far away,
as far as possible, but
we’re now returning.
Big C On Death’s Creek Healing
We live on Death’s Creek
where folks get sick. Should we leave?
Or work to heal it?
Earth Grounding Deep On Aged Limestone: Haiku

My feet rest cool on
limestone, miles deep, eons old.
limestone, miles deep, eons old.
I think I’m grounded.
My feet rest on stone,
miles deep, millions of years old.
I think I’m grounded.
The Writer’s Drive, Or Not: Blogging Free Verse
I’m certain there is
much to say,
deep thoughts to share,
intelligent insights to expose
and uncover.
Right now,
I don’t know what they are,
I don’t know where they are,
and I don’t know
if I want to even find them.
Back To Nature: Rhyming Haiku
I’ve been long away,
but today I stepped outside,
connecting inside.
No Direction: Haiku
With no direction/
towards perfection, I just/
stumble and bumble.
Childhood Memories: Haiku
So many of my/
best memories feature you./
I wish to make more.