Slipping While Climbing: Romantic Blogging Sonnet

He tried to climb/
to her lofty peak.
Companionship sublime/
was what he’d seek.
He lost the right path/
along that high way.
Trying to create laughs;
he failed in what to say.
As he fell and slipped/
down the mountain side,/
he murmured to himself, tight lipped:
“That wasn’t how I should have tried.”
He wondered: Could he try again, change and repent/
now that he was sure where the correct path went?

How To Read Aloud: Revolutionary IMprov Prose

A young relative of mine was “feeling frustrated”. She said: “Oh how I just love being able to read fast and clearly in my head, but if I’ve got to read aloud it’s as if my tongue can’t cooperate with my mind and I stutter like a lunatic..urgh!”
I responded:

You stutter and stammer and feel frustrated when you read aloud because you’ve fallen into the trap of the modern world that says “Faster is better.”
It’s not.
Would you rush a sunset?
Would you hasten the first spring song of a robin?
Would you demand that the maple’s leaves turn bright crimson faster?
The written word, spoken aloud, is meant to be caressed and savored and enunciated and appreciated. Reading out loud is not a race to see how fast you can impart information, but a performance to see how movingly you can paint a verbal picture of what the writer intended, with the word pallet given to you.
Slow down.

Where I Shall Not Go: Revolutionary Blogging Sonnet

Yellow-shirtied poet on a UTA Front Runner -- Orem Station Feb 2014I shall not, today, go to classes
where old men wittily incite the masses
to laugh, with fake spirituality,
at jokes too oft said inappropriately.
I shall not go later to dessert
with those who smile, but often hurt
with backstabbing comments and bad advice,
(thought they’re only guilty of trying to be nice.)
I shall write poetry instead;
allowing sweet muse to clear my head.
As the train’s gentle rhythm rocks me to and fro,
into the joy of my creative mind I shall go.
For it is there, when I’m most dazed and confused,
that I can find my kindest refuge.