I Prefer The Woman She Strives To Be: Revolutionary Iambic Response

Some guy named Spencer McFarland made this comment, captured in a meme (which many woman are gleefully reposting) :
Advice To Girls (ironic the advice is given by a man!)

My wife responded:
“I’d rather not be loud and gross and take up space. I’d rather be calm and clean and be present or off doing what I want. I’d rather not be snide and sarcastic. I’d rather be loving and kind. I’d rather be helpful, kind and respectful of everyone … including myself. I don’t need to say no to everyone but I also don’t need an excuse to say no if I’d rather use my time a different way.”

My response to my wife?
I enjoy having a wife/
who doesn’t plot or scheme,/
or need a Facebook meme, /
to tell her how to live her life