The Same Sun Shines North And South: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku That same Sun that shines / south of the Mason-Dixon/ warms Wisconsin lakes.
Sunset Dinner Cruise — Free Views: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku Relic of long gone/ eras carries festive folk/ to see free sunsets.
Natural Grey Shades: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku I’ve concluded that,/ in Nature, there are far more/ than 50 grey shades.
Sunset’s Prayer Beam: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku I watch the sunset’s/ solitary beam reach to/ heaven like prayer.
Purple Rain Sunset: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku Lament Over in the West,/ t’wards Minnesota, came sad/ sounds of purple rain.
They’re Here! Purple Martins Return: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku I dreamed they were here,/ and I yelled: “They are here!” And/ now, at last, they’re here!
Top Down Sunset-Eyed Guy: Romantic Rhyming Haiku She knows she wants to / drive with that top down guy with/ sunsets in his eyes.
I Have Now: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku I don’t know that I’d/ ever heard a lone goose call/ so frantic and sad.
He’s Derisively Quoting A New Yorker: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku How can a man who’s/ seen ten thousand lake sunsets/ claim they’re all the same?
Making Tracks: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku Those once would have been/ my tracks. Maybe they one day/ soon will be again.