Wild Plant Garden Perfectionism? Haiku

I’d never seen such*/
shimmering on bee’s wings, but /
I’d never looked close.
Video taken at Spirit Tree Farms 23 June, 2024, Catoosa County, NW Georgia. Native bee in the sunset on a native sunflower. Look at the sunset’s reflection on the bee’s wings. Original music by Marnie Kuhns, Creation Girl.
I watch her orange/
hat bobbing o’er wildflowers:
mid-winter field walk.
A flock of goldfinches
dances among morning-light-basked
coreopsis, sunflowers, and coneflowers
in our once-sterile and lawned,
now wildflower-laden, front yard.
A bright red cardinal
flutters amongst
a glowing-flowered rose bush,
as if thinking the red petals
were competition.
I muse at how,
years prior,
the landlady had demanded:
“Cut down these weeds!
I just want a well-kept lawn!”
Now, in spring,
as new plants arise,
she carefully takes
lawnmower or weed-wacker,
and carves paths that avoid wildflowers.
As summer beckons,
her cautious paths let us
leisurely stroll through
bright pinks, whites, yellows, purples, blues, reds.
We become surrounded by and absorbed in Nature.
What made the change?
What turned this orderly hostess
demanding sterile, well-manicured lawns,
to one who could see and rejoice
in the colorful riot of wildflowers?
My grandparents,
(who she never met),
and their parents
were known for the flowers
and fruits they kept.
The family joke was
how the Sheboygan matriarch
grew her veggies and flowers
in the bathtub.
Beauty before cleanliness.
The tradition carried on,
as my grandmother taught
her children and grandchildren
to enjoy and relish nature.
“How beautiful!”
Grandmother’s children, too,
(oft to the chagrin of neighbors),
invited wildflowers and native plants
instead of sterile and invasive species
to grow and thrive and bring beauty and life.
So now their children and grandchildren
leave patches of wild plants,
riotous color for the birds, bees, butterflies;
pollinators who gladly cavort and dance
the way their ancestors did.
As willing witnesses, we get to feel
the swelling in our hearts
and the welling of our eyes,
as we join with them in this
ancient dance in the wildflowers.
Read more about how the landlady of Spirit Tree Farms, Marnie Kuhns, transformed from loving lawns to wooing wildflowers, birds, and pollinators in her book about finding peace in Nature and God’s Creations.
Alone, burning fire,
I clear, clean, and cleanse the past;/
Wish for future growth.
A primal evening
with flames of Thor keeping me
and my lover warm.
A primal evening
has flames of Thor keeping me
and my lover warm.
Now my lawn mower /
laid bare my backyard, watch my/
wildflowers vanish.
Move to new climates/
and you may see different and/
strange ice formations.
*For a better description of Ice Flowers, refer to Dr. James Carter, Illinois State University, http://my.ilstu.edu/~jrcarter/ice/flowers/ this article.