Ill I’ll Sit, Doing Nothing: Free Verse Lament

Ill I’ll sit,
doing nothing.

A beautiful sunny,
mid-winter’s day
but I,
sinuses backed up,
mouth agape,
feel no urge
to venture out.

Snot pushing up
into my brain
seems to plug
and any
thoughts I might have.

I attempt to breathe,
but instead
mearly gasp.

There should be more
to write about,
to think about,
to do,
but this giant screen
covers and prevents
any outlet
of creativity.

My coughing
hurts my back,
makes me want to crawl
back into bed,
snuggle under
warm covers,
where I can’t breate,
and will only think
of how I should be doing something,
But what?

Teacher’s Day Off: Revolutionary IMprov Sonnet

She sits with her cats,
and books she should have read;
Dreams of Wonderland
and stares vacantly ahead.

As the felines stretch and purr,
and the sun brightly shines,
she hears lawnmowers whirr
and the 2-cycles whine.

Yet she, with so much to do,
moves to her chair from her bed,
stores the words she’s thought through,
and turns on Netflix instead.

For $7.99 she vacates her head,
and buries her mind in The Walking Dead.