My Hidden Walls: Revolutionary Iambic IMprov Poetry

People with a narrow view
say “There are no walls around you.”
Their vision is ascew,
and simply not true.

My fences
are more subtle defenses.
is what hides me.

My foolish intensity
is what protects me.
The outlandish things I say
push people away.

Since my youth
that’s been my excuse.
When friendships yield treason,
I can say my words are the reason.

Then I never have to say
“They didn’t like ME anyway.”
Rejection’s never a personal afront.
It’s just my words they don’t want.

So I shield and protect myself
as people put my words, not me, on the shelf.
(and that’s an insight into me
that most people rarely see.)

Opening Your Gates: Romantic IMprov Poetry

I’m honored you open your gates to me
And if I fervently ask it,
you lower your heart’s basket
by nightfall
that I may scale your wall
and win.

Trying Again To Breach Her Walls: Romantic IMprov Poetry

When I first
a desire
to stand near
her radiance
and fire,
there was no

But then
I slammed
and again
into force fields;
so tall
I had to yield
or go through.

That’s what I chose
to do,
knowing that the result
would let me exult
and exalt
and her.

At last,
when the probe
burst through,
her radiance showed
blinding my view.
So strong, so overwhelming
I couldn’t see anything
but what was in front of me.

I fear
I feared.

does not endear,
nor gain pity
from the pretty.

She quickly closed up,
repaired the breach.
Shields up!
She withdrew out of reach.

So I was left, again,
with keyboard instead of pen,
to tap, tap, tap away at the wall;
just to gain entry. Not make it fall.

For it’s only when she, herself, will yield
that her wall raising will be healed.