Looking West Reframe: Rhyming Haiku of Gratitude

Vashon Island Sunset flying into Seattle with Olympic Mountains in the BackgroundEach day we breathe in/
a new sunset is one more/
we’re glad just to get.

Backstory: My friend Erin Harold, who is struggling (but winning) against the Covid-19 Coronavirus, posted a sunset photo from her Seattle home, with one word: Grateful”.
This haiku honors her gratitude. (This sunset photo is out my plane window flying over Vashon Island into Seattle, November 2019)

Riding The Ferry To Vashon Island: Rhyming IMprov Poem

My daughter stands on the front of the Washington State Ferry making a run from Fauntleroy to Vashon Island. She’s in front of the cars, the bikes, the motorcycles, with little in front of her but the safely net and the salty spray. A friend takes her picture. 

The bow/
is how/
and the right way/
to ride the ferry.

Embracing Beauty: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku

Sunrise on the Vashon Island ferry dock, July 2011 - Puget Sound beauty
A friend from the Midwest saw this photo of the sunrise over the Vashon Island ferry dock, She asked: “If one sees this every day, does one notice the beauty everyday?”
Valid question, to which I wrote this haiku:

Beauty shows herself./
She appears in diff’rent forms./
We embrace each view.