We all make stories/
of how others feel. If we/
ask, truths are revealed.
Tag Archives: truth
Lying Is Never True: Haiku
Just because you tell
a lie over and over
doesn’t make it true.
When Truth Is Revealed: Mission Statement ImproVerse Haibun
She and I often sit in the throes of great deep philosophical and spiritual discussions about our life and lives, about existence and our place in it, about the purpose and meaning of life and how we fit and what we should do. How can we best serve our fellow men and women? What does God want us to do and can we do it and how should we do it?
Often, the Spirit teaches us great and grand truths. We put our hands over our hearts and exclaim: WOW! This is true truth! This is real.” And we smile and we feel motivated and inspired and we keep talking and we keep learning.
When this happens, hopefully a notepad and a pen or pencil will be handy and we’ll write down the truths that the Spirit is teaching us and we’ll take direction and inspiration and plans and dreams and we’ll capture them. And we only look at back at them later and maybe we will say “Yes!This is a great thing, a great truth!” And we’ll print them and put them up on our walls and use them as benchmarks and inspiration to what we should do and how we are doing.
What is Unwritten Truth?
Many times, too often really, we don’t take the time to write down the truth we’re learning. Sometimes the truths come so quickly that we can barely keep up in our own minds what they are, as they lap over on each other and grow and intertwine and intermingle and we see the visions and rejoice in what God is teaching us. So we don’t write them down. And sometimes we’re just too lazy to go find that piece of paper and pencil. We think to ourselves: “We will write it down later. This is so fantastic and so deep and so rich we will never forget it.”
But we do. Then, those truths and those heartfelt visions fade, fade, fade away and are lost unless or until God sees fit to reprimand us, and maybe remind us of what we should have captured the first time and done the first time.
Vanishing Taught Truths Haiku
Socrates discussed,/
taught, learned. Did those truths vanish,/
too, the way ours do?
SHHHH! Speaking Truth Quietly: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku
There are truths which need/
to be said, for your sake, but/
kept private for hers.
How I’ll Stay Safe: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
I learned this great Truth: /
Serving in His House daily /
directs me safely.
Master Our True Emotions: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
If we find truths and/
master emotions from them,/
we perfect ourselves.
Handling The Truth: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku
If you don’t want me/
to tell you the Truth, don’t ask./
You can’t handle it.
It's Still True. Why Quit? – Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
Though I messed up once,/
I still believe and will try/
eternal marriage.
Being Close Minded: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku
What you think may not/
be the truth, but since you won’t/
discuss, you won’t learn.