If you were for sale,/
though ambivalent, I would /
not buy into you.
Tag Archives: text messages
She Can’t Be Bought: Romantic ConTEXTing Rhyming Haiku
If he gave her cash/
each place she went, would she still/
be ambivalent?
Too Busy For Handsome? Romantic ConTEXTing Rhyming Haiku
If he was handsome/
like George Clooney, would she still/
be much too busy?
Long Since Her Garden: Romantic ConTEXTing Haiku
It had been long since/
I’d toiled in her garden, yet/
I felt I still should.
It had been long since/
I’d toiled in her garden. Still,/
I felt comfort there.
Laughter Good Medicine Strong: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
There is probably/
no medicine stronger than/
peyote laughter.
Still Interested: Romantic ConTEXTing Rhyming Haiku
I hope you’re doing/
well. This rhyme’s to tell you: I’m/
(still) interested!
Daily Attention: Romantic ConTEXTing Haiku
If I’m attentive/
daily, will she at last grasp: /
I’m interested?
Stress Waiting: Romantic ConTEXTing Rhyming Poem
I confess:
I have stress
if I’ll pass the test.
If her answer is still “yes”.
Amidst this duress
I can just hope for the best.
And wait.
Who Texts You More? Romantic ConTEXTing Iambic Poem
I’m sure there are a lot of guys /
who text you more than I./
But I doubt there are many who/
think about you/
as much as I do.