Temples will be more/
places of refuge and peace/
than ever before.
Tag Archives: text message poetry
A New Half-Way House: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
What happens when we/
think of temples as Half-way/
houses for Heaven?
Prevent Invasion Of The Sacred: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
How do you protect/
the Sacred from the /
invasion of the routine?
18 Minutes To The Temple Door: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku Lament
Some folks can just go/
once. I’m minutes away and/
don’t go much. Why not?
Start Now To Serve: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
I have been selfish/
and lazy, but I can start/
now to better serve.
Follow Him Completely: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
When I commit to/
Him, it’s not a partial, but/
complete commitment.
Timing: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Free Verse
The moment when/
you partake of the bread/
and drink of the cup/
is not the time/
when you should decide/
if you are worthy/
to thus remember Him.
His Bright Red Sweater: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
Going to visit/
an old family friend,/
eyesight failed me./
I couldn’t find him/
in the crowd./
Then someone told me:
“He is there!/
in that bright red sweater!”
He always wears/
bright red sweaters./
How could I forget that?
They’re Probably Not: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
“Judge not” means to not/
criticize those folks who we /
imagine judge us.
Who’s The Boss? Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
If you let your kids/
lead you around and tell you /
what to do, they will.