As if on some great/
cosmic cue, two ducks* performed/
a sunset fly-by.
*flocks of ducks did/
Tag Archives: sunset
Compare The Cold Sunrise And Be Grateful: Revolutionary Blogging Sonnet
She would send me photos/
of tall SoCal tropical trees/
silhouetted in the red sunset;/
dancing in the warm sea breeze.
As if to entice me/
to visit and to stay./
To warm my feet in the sand/
and watch the palm trees sway.
I returned the photo favor/
of a frigid, streaming sunrise:/
A frosted cottonwood silhouetted/
against cold blue mountain skies.
T’was not to tempt her, nor to say I was coldly sad,/
but to remind her to be grateful for the warm beauty she had.
Banter To Introspection: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
As sun’s light leaves the/
evening sky, light banter turns/
to introspection.
I Call This One Ohhhhhmmmmmm: Revolutionary Blogging Free Verse
I call this photograph
I never posted it before,
because I knew
no one would get it.
Wisconsin lake water
covering my ears,
the universal harmonic call.
Sound waves
with lake waves
with brain waves
with heart waves.
It was never posted before.
No one would get it.
She will.
Slow Freeway Traffic Bennies: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Slow freeway traffic/
in my ragtop means I can/
watch sun- and moon-set.