Going To The Land Of Ice And Snow, Home: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku If he returned in/ summer, not winter, would it/ be less cold up Nord? OR would their/ Nordfold be less grey? #JaShureImNorsk #GrandfatherBirthplace #NorwegianTourism
Children’s Beach Laughter: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku Kids playing on a/ winter beach doesn’t sound much/ diff’rent than summer. OR Kids playing on a/ winter beach sounds no diff’rent/ than in the summer.
Empty Lake, Empty Beach: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku Memories of a/ summer long gone makes me sing/ an old Eagles song.
Rhubarb Strawberries Vanilla Ice Cream: Revolutionary Blogging Rhyming Haiku Rhubarb. Strawberries./ Pinch of sugar. Small pot. Heat./ Summer’s ending treat. OR After I flipped the spoon out of the pot onto my hand… Summer’s final burn.
Jealous Of Pooled Puppy Grandkids Summer: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Rhyming Haiku How fun! I’m jealous/ of grandkids, pool and sun, but/ mostly the puppy.