It is easy to/
mind read and wallow in my/
self pity. Just stop!
Tag Archives: stop
You're Rounding Third: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
So many times I/
stood in the coach’s box and/
waved you home. Now, stop!
The Rise And Fall Of Carpe Diem Man: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku Lament
As soon as I named*/
myself Carpe Diem Man,/
I stopped being him.
I stopped day seizing.
*The person who named me “Carpe Diem Man” reminded me that they’d bestowed that name on me, so technically this should be “called”, as in “As soon as I called…”
Ending Rituals: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku
They spoke how they were:/
Finishing their rituals./
Should one stop good ways?
Interesting Subject: Revolutionary IMprov Rhyming Haiku
Why do we have to/
stop talking about you? You’re/
tres’ intéressant.!