I gazed past the legs/
of Don Quixote to hear/
Messiah’s surprise.
Tag Archives: Springville Museum of Art
Signal Strength: Revolutionary Blogging Poem
Seeking strength,
I went to my Temple.
the signal
was never strong.
But today,
when I needed it most,
it was five bars,
loud and clear.
I sat,
by myself,
in my corridor,
(having met Santa twice already),
and connected
more than I have in awhile.
after being surrounded
by art
(Russian Impressionism),
Utah Lake mud tile,
and children,
I will go find milk
and a cookie.
This is worship.
This is connection.
This is receiving
the signal
at the Temple.
Sacred Experiences In A Little-Known Utah Temple: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Many people have/
sacred experiences/
in Springville’s Temple.
The Purpose Of Life, Mio: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
As I walk through art,/
I ask myself: “What the hell/
am I doing? Write!”
Our Humanhood Of Common Good: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
When we as artists/
and writers meet, we admire,/
uplift, and inspire.