Psalm of David: Sadness and Gratitude

In the days of my sorrow,
let me recall what great blessing
The LORD hath bestowed
upon me and my house.

Let me count those gifts,
the peaceable things
which He in His mercy
has given me.

Let my heart from then on
be no more sorrowed or worried.
Let my soul not lie down in sadness,
but instead let me rise up in joy and rejoicing.

Let me praise
the goodness and mercy
of God and His Son,
that I may be a glad
and a profitable servant.

Let me be found worthy
to be welcomed into Their Kingdom,
both down here on earth,
and in Their eternal realms, for forever.

Sliding Glass Door Requiem: Revolutionary Blogging Free Verse Lament

Oh, goldfinch!
Bright yellow cheer-bringer,
Flash of color
even in winter’s darkest days.

Too late I moved toward
The sliding glass door
Where you would have seen my shadow
And veered away.

“Oh no nonono!”
I cry
and reach for you,
as your glowing tail feathers
fan out wide
in a blaze of color,
then close as tight
as your dainty feet,
Dead goldfinch in the palm of my hand, Lake Winneconne, May, 2016
You are still warm
as I hold you,
in the palm of my hand.

Tears well up
as I wait,

But your eyes stay open,
fixed and dilated,
and even as I hold you,
admiring your bright gold feathers
and the tiny streaks of red on your breast
that I’ve never noticed before,
you grow cold in my hand.

I place you
at the base of the daffodils
which mimic your radiant glory,
but which,
like you,
are starting to fade away.