When you become much
too worried about things, you
can’t see or enjoy.
Tag Archives: see
What Should I? Revolutionary Blogging Poetry
So much to see.
So much to do.
So much to live.
So much to…
So what should I?
She Lives Dark: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
She flees from the light./
She hates it when it is too bright/
So how can she see?
Possible Cataract Surgery: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku
To stand on sight’s cusp,/
to see with perfect vision,/
makes my eyes water.
Fool By The School Pool ViaDuck: Revolutionary Improv Limerick
See the duck within the pool!/
See the students walking home from school!/
See the blonde taking pictures there!/
See the moonlight shimmering in her hair!/
See the man who stands a fool.
Northbound 5:20 p.m. RR Pluses And Minuses: Revolutionary Blogging Sonnet

The coaches bend and sway./
The rails sing along/
to the song of the railway.
You glimpse into hidden back yards;/
junk noone wants you to see./
Ripped apart trash and old cars./
Back-porch sitters, lonely.
Then scenery opens to your view/
that noone else appreciates./
Beaches, marshes, prairies too./
Mountain vistas, sunset lakes.
A new perspective is yours to gain,
to ponder and enjoy when you ride the train.