He, the broke walrus,/
dreams of luring the nymph. [LAUGH!] /
Yet I played that game.
Tag Archives: sad
Play By Yourself: Haiku
Even when you’re sad,
alone, and lonely, you can/
Blue Screen Blues: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku Lament
I am drawn deeply and/
completely into the/
techno blue screen blues.
Natural Life Is: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
When you’re surrounded/
by nature, feeling the flow/
of life, sad happens.
Sliding Glass Door Requiem: Revolutionary Blogging Free Verse Lament
Bright yellow cheer-bringer,
Flash of color
even in winter’s darkest days.
Too late I moved toward
The sliding glass door
Where you would have seen my shadow
And veered away.
“Oh no nonono!”
I cry
and reach for you,
as your glowing tail feathers
fan out wide
in a blaze of color,
then close as tight
as your dainty feet,
You are still warm
as I hold you,
in the palm of my hand.
Tears well up
as I wait,
But your eyes stay open,
fixed and dilated,
and even as I hold you,
admiring your bright gold feathers
and the tiny streaks of red on your breast
that I’ve never noticed before,
you grow cold in my hand.
I place you
at the base of the daffodils
which mimic your radiant glory,
but which,
like you,
are starting to fade away.
Otherwise, What’s The Point? Romantic Email Haiku
She is a hopeless/
romantic. Tragic. I seek/
hopeful romantics.
Validation From The One: Revolutionary IMprov Rhyming Haiku
It’s sad my daughter’s/
validation must come from/
others, not the One.