The field lights at the nearly empty Rio Tinto Stadium went out, darkening the entire field except for the glare of TV lights at the center circle.
RSL goalie Nick Rimando was giving one last interview as he walked slowly back to the locker room. His heroics in the first game, including several world-class saves AND playing with a broken nose, and several fantastic saves in game 2 of the loser-out MLS playoff game, hadn’t quite been enough. His MLS season was over.

Slowly, a low rumble pierced the dark. Coming from the northeast upper deck of the RioT Stadium –the visiting fan section– it gathered strength and purpose.
“Nick Rimando [Clap, Clap, ClapClapClap!]”
“Nick Rimando [Clap, Clap, ClapClapClap!]”
It continued, getting louder and louder, until the interview was finished: Seattle Sounders’ fans acknowledging a fantastic performance by the USA National Team goalie.
“Nick Rimando [Clap, Clap, ClapClapClap!]”
Rimando turned, walked slowly back across the field, looked up at the cheering fans, raised both his hands above his head, and applauded their cheer.