It’s not seizing the /
day that gets me through it, but/
avoiding the pain.
I avoid the pain.
It’s not seizing the /
day that gets me through it, but/
avoiding the pain.
I avoid the pain.
When pain like this rips/
my heart apart sometimes there/
are just no words left.
It is time to leave./
What direction? I dont know./
We must start somewhere.
Ice-watered veins and/
closed-up hearts are ultimate/
leaving languages.
I just wanted you
To want me regardless of
Marvel not at my/
poetic silence, ‘cuz the/
bully pulpit’s closed.
I’m still alone when/
she won’t phone from Salt Lake or /
San Antone. I moan.
Why moan?
The full moon is out. /
Otis croons soulful romance./
I don’t even care.
How long
must I longingly
wait long
for you to longingly
for me to be long
and belong?