Do you know how it/
feels to see your presence? It’s/
like when the sun shines.
How does it feel to/
see your presence? It’s like the/
rising sun warms me.
Do you know how it/
feels to see your presence? It’s/
like when the sun shines.
How does it feel to/
see your presence? It’s like the/
rising sun warms me.
I’m so close I can/
almost see your office. I/
won’t lift my boombox.
Yenta made the choice
to “Suffer in silence”. I /
wish my fingers let me.
I want to ask her:/
“What’s going on?” but I made/
the pained choice not to.
Just when you think it’s/
safe to open up your heart,/
you learn that it’s not.
There was a goodbye /
with no hug. This feeling of/
silence is much worse.